Thursday, August 27, 2020

Certificate 4 assessment and Training Assignment

Declaration 4 appraisal and Training - Assignment Example units to be tended to incorporate; ways to deal with chance administration, challenges in hazard the executives, organization of hazard the board, and countering difficulties in chance administration. So as to guarantee achievement and effectiveness in the learning procedure, one ought to be sharp in tending to every key issue. The requirement for receiving the best execution models can't be underscored. In executing the learning forms, the conveyance units ought to be proficiently sequenced, to guarantee that learning is pertinent, viable and coherent. This ought to be effectively directed in a joint effort with the customers, in order to guarantee coordinate between the adapting needs and the substance being conveyed. So as to guarantee achievement in conveyance of the units, the teacher will undoubtedly stay in contact with the student, in order to guarantee significance, viability and rationale of the units being conveyed (Chan, 2009). Essential to note is that the attributes of the objective gathering ought to be recognized and considered in the conveyance procedure, which will encourage distinguishing proof of the language, numeracy and proficiency prerequisites of the program. By doing as well, consistency and succession will be kept up in the learning procedure, along these lines improving viability. There will be each need to concur and explain the motivation behind the program, all together for the preparation program to address the issue of the various partners. The key partners of concern incorporate the guides/mentors, students, work associations, and facilitators/coaches. Consistency and rationale in conveying the units will be accomplished by building up the fitting abilities for every particular gathering of students. The tutors or facilitators should improve the numeracy and education aptitudes of the students (Chan, 2009). A key issue of worry in conveyance of the units incorporates the breakdown of the learners’ needs. It will be compulsory to breakdown the occupations and jobs into sensible segment parts. Escalated work examination will be attempted, in order to recognize the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Cultural Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Social Analysis - Assignment Example The initial segment will give a hypothetical foundation on the significance of culture in the development of social character, just as the best possible routes through which social examination must be finished. Through this part, the requirement for a target evaluation of culture will be fortified through the assistance of Geert Hofstede’s Five Cultural Dimensions and the GLOBE Cultural Analysis Model. The subsequent part, then again, will focus in on the consequences of the three meetings led as respects the particular culture and customs of Spain, Canada, and the Philippines. By utilizing direct or essential data as acquired from the one-on-one meetings, validity of information will be fortified. The last part will be committed to an enhancing and profoundly clever end that will stop this examination. Significance of Culture: A Brief Overview By definition, culture alludes to the allowance of faith based expectations, propensities, and fine arts that critically describe a pa rticular gathering of individuals in a particular zone. In view of this apparently immense portrayal, social portrayals may incorporate workmanship, writing, religion, ways of life, and some more. With this, it very well may be said that the criticalness of culture is relied on its ability to give a one of a kind character to individuals. It gives a network certain character and character that is unique and one of a kind. In this manner, it is through the learning and going of these customs that social qualities are encouraged, which as a result, structure the establishing rules that help oversee people’s lifestyle. Since societies have their a lot of qualities, target estimates must be utilized so as to appropriately comprehend and value their inclinations. Two of the most ordinarily utilized explanatory structures are Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and the GLOBE social examination model. 1. Geert Hoftstede’s Cultural Dimensions Hoftstede’s model analyze s social contrasts by featuring five key measurements: Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Masculinity versus Femininity, Individualism versus Collectivism, and Long versus Short Term Orientation. 1 Power separation alludes to the level of imbalance that exists in a general public and how such is acknowledged by the less amazing gatherings. Vulnerability evasion includes a society’s level of resistance for vagueness, unstructured circumstances, and spontaneous occasions. Manliness versus womanliness relates to the normal sexual orientation jobs in a general public. Independence versus cooperation alludes to the degree of ties that individuals have with one another. Long versus transient direction discusses how much a general public maintains customary qualities. 2. GLOBE Cultural Analysis Model From a practical point of view, the GLOBE model is utilized as a drawn out research exertion to investigate the impacts of culture on administration, authoritative viability, moneta ry intensity of social orders, and the human state of the individuals being inspected. Through the GLOBE model, scientists had the option to plainly get a handle on the pertinence of culturally diverse collaborations by examining various businesses, associations, and social gatherings. 2 Analyzing Three Cultures: Spain, Canada, and the Philippines After absorbing the essentialness of culture corresponding to social personality development, just as the different focal points that could be used when considering societies exclusively, it is currently time to concentrate on the consequences of the three meetings and uncover the qualities of every nation. So as to place more brevity in the laying

Friday, August 21, 2020

Write a Medical Research Paper - Easy Tips for You

Write a Medical Research Paper - Easy Tips for YouHow to write medical research paper? To make it more comprehensible, you should take the initiative to give details of the article. If you don't know how to write medical research paper, there is no point in going ahead with it. At the same time, if you want to write one properly, here are some tips for you to follow.Your first task should be writing a subject heading that describes the purpose of the paper. This heading should go in the first paragraph and the details of the case should be mentioned in the second paragraph. Make sure you use appropriate titles as it helps to introduce the paper.Make sure the purpose of the paper is clearly stated and there is a need to prove certain facts. Then the author should describe the method in detail. He should give details of the experiment and in what time. While doing so, the writer should mention the result and conclusion at the end of the paper.In the conclusion section, the writer shoul d describe the important facts and why they were mentioned. By doing so, he will be able to convince readers that they have understood the purpose of the paper.The next thing you should do in how to write medical research paper is writing the introduction. Give an outline of the article and explain briefly why it is needed. It is essential to tell the reader what the paper is about, what it will be about and the problem or question that the paper addresses.This part of the paper is the most important because it helps the reader to understand the importance of the article and to understand why they are reading it. Besides, the introduction is also helpful in making them understand that this article is written for them and not for them. Writing an introduction is also an important part of how to write medical research paper.The conclusion section tells the reader why the paper is important and how it can help them. Some people believe that it is necessary to finish the paper in the la st paragraph but in reality, it should be near the end of the paper. It is necessary to state a reason for writing the paper, but there should be an ending which would close the paper.The last step you should make in how to write medical research paper is to go on to the submission stage. By making a detailed outline of the article, giving the right information and giving reasons to why it is needed, you can now focus on how to write medical research paper.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay on Major Depresive Disorder - 524 Words

Depression can affect anyone at any stage of his or her lives. Mild depression is also termed â€Å"the blues’ and is described as feeling sad from lives normal ups and downs, and can also be brought on by a bouts of stress. People are able to bounce back to normal quickly, usually a few days to a week. Medication and alcohol can mimic the symptoms of depression, as well as brought on by major illnesses. When mild depression lingers and takes a hold on one’s life it can become major depressive disorder. This disorder can affect the body from being able to heal properly, and can lead to chronic depressive episodes. Depression is feeling sad, empty, and depressed mood for two weeks or more. Not everyone experiences depression in the same way.†¦show more content†¦Bereavement is excluded when the duration is less than two months. According the DSM 5, the difference between bereavement and major depressive disorder, is there is no suicidal thinking, no psychomotor retardation, and no sense of worthlessness (Wakefield. 2013). Another risk factor is personality traits. Successful treatment for major depressive disorder varies from person to person. Some treatment plans include therapy with a trained psychologist or counseling services to learn coping strategies for stress and learning ways to change negative thinking patterns. One study in Germany found that integrating emotion regulation skills lead to higher success in treating major depression episodes, and further research could lead to better models of depression and comprehensive treatment plans (Radkovsky. 2014). Medication is an option with antidepressants and antianxiety drugs. These powerful medications can have adverse effects on teens and children, and can cause depression to worsen, including increased thoughts of suicidal thoughts. Medication can be used to relieve some of the symptoms but are not effective for everyone. A combination of therapy and medication is found to decrease the duration of depressive episodes. Making life-style changes is beneficial for lessening the symptoms o f depression, such as, changing sleeping habits, exercise, and eating healthy meals. Learning ways relaxation methods is also beneficial but not as beneficial asShow MoreRelatedStudy and Evaluation of Depression1730 Words   |  7 PagesSeligman, 1973 stated that depression is the â€Å"...common-cold of psychiatry and is the most common psychological problem that people face... . Comer (1998) divides symptoms of major depressive episodes into emotional, motivational, behavioural, cognitive and physical symptoms. Emotional the depressed individual feel unhappy and empty. Motivational symptoms could be a lack of drive, behaviourally the depressed individual can be easily agitated. Cognitive symptoms could be negative views of oneself

Friday, May 15, 2020

Life At The Top Of America Isn t Just Better, It s...

The article, Life at the Top in America Isn’t Just Better, It’s Longer, written by Janny Scott gives insight detail about three people from different socioeconomic backgrounds. It is the conscious truth that money can enhance a individuals way of life and this is what is happening in the readings. According to the author, â€Å"Upper-middle- class Americans live longer and in better health than middle- class Americans, who live longer and better than those at the bottom. And the gaps are widening, say people who have re- searched social factors in health (page 29)†. The highly educated are more indeed to learn about health information and take advantage of the latest health treatments available. It is revealed that factors such as stress, diet, family structure, and even class status can affect and individuals health over a period of time. It is surely a concrete fact that if someone is from a higher sociological status in society, then they have access to better healthcare options in difference to those in struggling class statuses. The article refers to three people, each from a different class. First, Jean G. Miele was from an upscale background and worked as an architect and real estate owner. Through the ideology Individualism, it is relevant that everyone has an equal opportunity of climbing the social ladder. Jean was able to accomplish that, but also he had the help from his father whom was a well-known architect himself. Through his career, he was able to enjoy theShow MoreRelatedLife At The Top : America Isn t Just Better, It s Longer1315 Words   |  6 Pagessocial class groups in America are treated differently in of services at Hospitals and Clinics. The term â€Å"social class† is a group of individuals that shares common features from an economic, behavioral view and ideological representation of the world around them. In the New York Times article, Life at the Top in America Isn t Just Better, It s Longer, Janny Scott highlights patients who experienced heart attacks and how they were trea ted at different medical clinics. Scott evaluates the upper class

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Early Childhood Education Past and Present - 881 Words

Early Childhood Education Past and Present In order to decide how past philosophies, theories and educational models have influenced present ideas and practices related to early childhood education, we must first decide where we would like to begin. I will start with the ideas of Aristotle, because I believe his ideas on â€Å"mimesis† or imitations are evident in the evolution of early education, and will always be an integral part of effective learning. Once we understand that children learn and practice what they see in others, we begin to realize the need for dedication and devotion from parents and teachers. Aristotle was a student of Plato who argued for the early removal of children from their parents so that they could be cared for in†¦show more content†¦If we were to walk into most, if not all early childhood educational settings, we would find many things that were initiated or influenced by past theorists or philosophers. We would notice blocks or other creative building materials. There would be areas to encourage cooperative learning, and most would reflect what is thought to be developmentally appropriate for the range of members in the class. When determining what types of play are developmentally appropriate, we need to consider all individuals, and the fact that differences will exist. Members of a class who are either gifted or struggling should not have to suffer because of what is thought to be developmentally appropriate. These differences should be expected, utilized and appreciated. Computers, for example, will run programs with varying degrees of difficulty depending upon what is developmentally appropriate for an individual. As concerns continue to grow over bridging the gap between early education students, government intervention has and will continue to grow. An increase in assessments is inevitable, and even smaller amounts of time will be devoted to active learning, exploration and play. The changes that in fact need to be made are those that reflect the i deas of the great minds of theorists who dedicated their lives in order to determine the mostShow MoreRelatedStatus of Qualitative Research in Early Childhood Education and Development (Eced)1733 Words   |  7 Pagesnations are investing enormous resources into their early intervention programs, hence, during the last decade international aid agencies, and some education systems, have promoted the creation and expansion of ECED programs in developing nations too. With the innovations in ECED, there has been conducted a large number of researches to form an objective theoretical foundation (Penn, 2004) to support this advancement. Following passage presents the literature review on the status of qualitativeRead MoreEssay about Wonderful life of Kay Buell1489 Words   |  6 PagesThe Wonderful Life of Kay Buell Every individuals life has a past, present and future. My life has been developed and influenced by several factors that will be reflected in this paper. You will read about my life experiences and how it has developed into such a wonderful life. My life begin when I was a mere 2 years of age when my parents adopted my twin sister and myself. My parents were on the older side, so their beliefs were conservative and strict, even from the beginning. Since myRead MoreChildren With Multicultural And Diverse Experiences849 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Early childhood providers do many difficult tasks. The hardest task is to provide the children with multicultural and diverse experiences. Since the beginning of time, the extended families, clans, and the communities raised the young children. Even today, many early childhood programs and family child care institutions tend to be similar and homogeneous to the children’s home backgrounds. The common criteria parents use to choose the early childhood programs, and the child care facilitiesRead MoreWhy Did The Treaty Of Waitangi Was Signed? Essay1560 Words   |  7 PagesIn the early 1800s New Zealand was an independent MÄ ori-controlled nation, in 1839; Captain William Hobson was given the job of bringing sovereignty to the land of New Zealand. The crown wanted to take part in the growing trade within New Zealand. There were many British missionaries working and living in New Zealand as residents already. MÄ ori and early visitors did not often get on. A lot of violence f lared up because of alcohol and women as some of the British men who had been away for long periodsRead MoreEarly Childhood Education Training Program Essay1576 Words   |  7 PagesRunning head: EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION TRAINING PROGRAM 1 Early Childhood Education Training Program for New Parents Heather Bakker Aspen University EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION TRAINING PROGRAM 2 Abstract The following plan was designed to teach new parents about how a child develops. The training will be broken up into threeRead MoreIdentification and Description of the Influences and Discourses Surrounding the Development of Different Educational Curricula1361 Words   |  6 Pagesproposed ‘education revolution’, which aimed to embrace the ‘Australian’ ‘fair go for all’ mentality and provide a meaningful, enriching education to all (MCEETYA, 2008; Reid, 2009). The emphasis on social justice at this given time, is further promoted by Rudd’s iconic apology to Indigenous Australians on the 13th February 2008 (Australian Government, 2014). Through encompassing these philosophies, the Melbourne declaration (MCEETYA, 2008) provided the basis for the first national early childhood frameworkRead MoreSelf Awareness and Interpersonal Skills1626 Words   |  7 Pagesfollowing assignment is highlighting the importance of self-awareness and interp ersonal skills within the early child care setting. The rights of the child within the ECCE. How to communicate effectively with children their families and other colleagues and how this benefits all involved. How being part of a team within the ECCE benefits and what regulations are put in place to ensure quality of education and the quality of the child care setting and facilities. Self-Awareness is the understanding ofRead MoreThe Immigration And A Childhood928 Words   |  4 Pagesone place and assimilate different aspects of their life in one sociology. The immigration and a childhood have similar characteristics. Like immigration, childhood is the process of continual development. In our childhood, we experience many different situations and add something new to our personal characteristics. Therefore, in her essay â€Å"Speaking in Tongues,† when Zadie Smith says, â€Å"My own childhood †¦ [is] the synthesis of disparate things, (1)† she means that she is a synthesis of her biologyRead MoreSelf Awareness and Interpersonal Skills1626 Words   |  7 Pagesfollowing assignment is highlighting the importance of self-awareness and interpersonal skills within the early child care setting. The rights of the child within the ECCE. How to communicate effectively with children their families and other colleagues and how this benefits all involve d. How being part of a team within the ECCE benefits and what regulations are put in place to ensure quality of education and the quality of the child care setting and facilities. Self-Awareness is the understanding ofRead MoreAustralian Women s Chamber Of Commerce1300 Words   |  6 Pagesprofessional judgements are important in children’s learning. They use their professional knowledge and skills, knowledge of children, families and communities, awareness of how their beliefs and values impact children’s learning and personal styles and past experiences. Australia feels children learn best this way. The elements of the framework are Principles, Practice and Learning outcome. They have five principles which are: 1.Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships, 2.Partnerships, 3.High expectations

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Greek Art and Sculpture free essay sample

An analysis of how nudity was a fact of ancient Greek daily life and how the artstatues reflected the Greeks? acceptance of it. The following paper examines how all Greek sports, even the Olympic events, were performed in the nude. This paper examines how nudity in and of itself wasnt the purpose of the art, but was used to best represent the images. The writer explores how women were banned from the Olympics because it was held in a sacred area. This paper also explores how the the nudity in sports gave sculptors a reason to study the human body more closely, and its proportion and movements. The writer traces back early attempts to capture the human form and examines how over time, nude sculptures became smoother and more realistic, while still adhering to the quest for the ideal. Even though sculptors eventually worked out the proportions in their work. We will write a custom essay sample on Greek Art and Sculpture or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page the Greeks were not known for experimentation with style. Once they found an image that was pleasing, they tended to stick with it. The typical male statue, the Kouros style, had a very distinct pattern that was followed: The figure stands erect and strictly frontal with his left leg advanced, his arms tense at his sides with fists clenched. Details are represented with strength and simplicity. The eyes are big and almond-shaped, the ears large and so carved as to form a kind of decorative adjunct; the essential parts of the body are clearly defined and subject to an established canon of proportions, while muscles and bones form surface patterns on the marble. The work already has those qualities of grandeur and proportion which characterize all the best Greek sculpture throughout its history. (Carver) The male form was the highest level of ideal beauty.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

1 - Authors Style Essays - Psychiatric Diagnosis, Psychopathology

1 - Authors Style -Diction -Fugues of Speech / Vocabulary -Syntax, Sentence Structure Speak Action Reaction 3 - Alienation A turning away from withdraw or detachment from one society or environment. -Psychological:Talking to hollyhocks -Emotional:Feeling alienated because of what you feel -Physical:Being away from people -Social:Being away from people like you -Geographical:E.g.. Santa Clause is alienated. Away from the rest of the world Alienation is the theme of the story. 4 - Mental Illness Term used to describe abnormal behavior Alcoholism:The uncontrollable desire fro alcohol/ These are both illnesses treated together : Physical, Social Factors - Childhood:Parents didn't care :Too over protective :Post experiences :Hereditary All causes of mental illnesses also know as multi-factorial 6 - 11 Ungelating : Rolling motion. Forlorn : Sad, depressed. Venn Diagram Oxymoron : Two things contradicting each other 2 - Schizophrenia - Brain decease - Disorder in feeling - Relating to others 1 out of 100 become schizophrenia. Some causes -Genetic -Bio Chemical -Nutritional Symptoms : Illusions : Withdrawal form people : Poor hygiene : Strange speech patterns : Odd beliefs : Magical Superstitions Mediations : There are different medication for different symptoms : They block the actions of neuro transmitters Psychotic - Out of touch from reality and cannot distinguish unreal from real. Symptoms : Sense of helplessness and gloom : Grief : Anxiety : Irritability : Falling out of relationships Alcohol - overdose Drugs - Alcohol abuse Medication - Tranquilizers ( eliminate symptoms of psychotics ) Side effects - Yellowing of the eyes and skin - Sore throughout, fever. Psyconurotic-Over clean 7 - 8 -Shock treatments (2 Types) -Drug induced Uses insulin, it was abandoned in the 40 - 50's because people had seizures. -Electric ConvulsiveUses relaxation drugs. Two electrodes are placed on temples. Electric pulse is sent and brain has seizure. (Uses to treat depression, Schizophrenia, mania) Causes memory loss. Used as punishment for uncooperative patients. Manic Cycle Mental health problems Usually happens to people between 35 - 45 8/1000 People -Polar -Bipolar -Extreme reactions to feelings - does not effect. 3 phases -Depressive : Person deeply anxious. -Normal : Normal and appears to have been cured. -Manic : Highly active and yells a lot and none senseical in speech. -Chromosome 11 is a defective Jean.- -Time of stages varies from minutes to days to months. Treatment -E.C.T. Electrical convulsive treatment. -Some people commit suicide while other people are socially alienate, they rely on drugs and/or alcohol.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Indian Cultural Beliefs Amd Superstitions Essay Example

Indian Cultural Beliefs Amd Superstitions Essay Example Indian Cultural Beliefs Amd Superstitions Essay Indian Cultural Beliefs Amd Superstitions Essay Beliefs and Superstitions The Indian beliefs and superstitions are passed down from beginning of their first generation to now generation. They believe that the rules and guild lines are important to protect them from the evil spirits. [1] Every day living is also regulated by dos and don’ts for differently for different days in a week. For instance, Monday isnt a lucky day for trimming and shaving or Tuesday for rinsing hair or Saturday for purchasing oil and beauty products. Many individuals are also very superstitious about the start of their mornings. It is considered that the whole day is impacted by the morning. Some of the Indian beliefs and superstitions is viewing a cat or the face of a cow early in the morning brings them bad luck. A dog howling nearby a sick persons room predicts his death or poor fate. The falling down of a lizard on a person is considered extremely bad and harmful unlucky for the person on which it falls. And further ill predictions are made based on the part of the body on which the lizard falls. Beside that, nails should not be cut at night for fear of evil spirits. The good superstitions are viewing a bride, the memorial of a god, or a Brahmin is believed to be prosperous, while seeing widow woman, infertile women and unfortunate people is believed to be ominous. The sound of a crow near the surroundings or on somebodys home predicts the coming of guests. Whenever an individual hiccups, its believed that somebody is discussing or thinking about him or missing him. Beside that, they also believe that trying lemon along with chillies on anything can saves it from threats and evil eyes of bad people. To avoid the danger of witnessing any bad thing in the morning, a lot of individuals see the palms of their hands just after they wake up in the morning and then they recite this spell: In the crest of the fingers lives Lakshmi (the Hindu goddess of wealth) ; in the center lies Sarasvati (the Hindu goddess of Knowledge); in the bottom of the palm rests Govinda (Hindu god of prosperity); viewing my hands, I start my day. [2] [1] http://hubpages. com/hub/India-Beliefs-and-Superstitions , 25 February 2011. [2] gurjari. net/ico/Mystica/html/popular_superstitions. htm , 25 February 2011.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Merchants of Cool Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Merchants of Cool - Essay Example This film discovers the contemporary teenagers’ culture and their standpoints on themselves and their parents. In order to target the teenagers, companies explore the teenager’s tastes and preferences, perspectives, and their aspirations to identify what they desire. Needless to say, as according to the film â€Å"Merchants of Cool†, companies survey the symbiotic association between the present day teenagers and the media, as they depend on the other for their identity (Merchants of Cool, 2001). Marketing happens to all people at all time, and no individual is invulnerable from its influence and free from its reach (Ewen, 1976, p. 36). The absolute size and purchasing power of the contemporary teenagers creates a windfall of inexorably insistent brand messaging that is both omnipresent and goes to extraordinary lengths to hold on to the most significant canon in convincing this demographic segment. The â€Å"Merchants of Cool† notes that teenagers are the hottest demographic in United States. Marketing to the youth is a challenging task and not as easy as it sounds. Marketers have to seek ways to seem real: authentic to the lives and perspectives of teens and to be cool to themselves (Ewen, 1976, p. 1118). In essence, they seek the next trendy thing and have implemented approximately anthropological strategy to examine the youth and their every move. Ewen (1976, p. 124) notes that the creation of a fancied desire is significant to the contemporary marketer. The youths have the need to experience self-conscious perspective and a marketer should focus on this. A marketer can identify this need through examining the youths’ behavior and ways of life (Ewen, 1976, p. 128). The â€Å"Merchants of Cool† (2001) delineates a response circle in which marketers carry out comprehensive ethnographic studies of teens to identify what’s fashionable, and then augment it and nosh it back to them through media managed by fewer

Friday, February 7, 2020

Public Safety and Privacy Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Public Safety and Privacy Analysis - Essay Example Civil rights and privacy laws are quite different of each other. The importance of which depends upon the timing of the question. It is established that for the protection of citizens, civil rights are set so that the citizens can enjoy their liberty. The agencies that enforce law are demoralized at the same time when they have to adhere to Fourth amendment as its protection permits crimes to persist (Stimson, 2004). Here we may cite the ruling of apex court concerning sex offenders, privacy and public safety. The Supreme Court of United States of America only just made a rule in relation to sex offenders, privacy, and public safety. The legislating body of America and the Supreme Courts are concerned about public safety or the protection of privileges of people individually. According to the Patriot Act defined by the US government, all the groups responsible for putting law into effect can question the Fourth Amendment if it bypasses the rights of citizens. Americans with the suppo rt of law enforcement organizations are ensured that they will be facilitated with their due civil rights and security (Stimson, 2004). The other day US Supreme Court made a decision according to which, the condemned sex delinquents are to be exposed on internet by giving their addresses over internet. There is no chance given to the delinquents in terms of their identification as a threatening individual for the society (Stimson, 2004). Litigation over electronic control gadgets are popular amongst the litigants despite the fact that in number of cases tools are used properly. According to Wallentine (2010), courts while deciding such case are making use of the â€Å"principles of Graham v. Connor† with regard to the usage of an â€Å"electronic control device†. In the case of Bryan v. Macpherson, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal held that â€Å"TASER or any other electronic control device† is in effect an in-between quantum of force (Wallentine, 2010). In the case of Bryan who made use of drugs and we can say that he was mentally ill in terms of his health. TASER was used by the law enforcement officer due to which, Bryan fell down and lost his four teeth besides minor injuries. After this incident, the law enforcement officer was sure about the fact that Bryan was distressed mentally and was in urgent need of safety (Wallentine, 2010). When the court examined this case along with other matching cases, it was of the opinion that for analyzing the situation of the convict, the law was not applied rightly for the situation. The law enforcement officer made a mistake by selecting the wrong strategy to deal with the convict. The force option was wrong. There is a further reportage that the officer made use of more than required force in using the TASER against the convict for his own reasons that are still unknown until this juncture. According to the court, usage of TASER for Bryan was not reasonable since Bryan did not pose an immediate t hreat to the officer / other person. The decision is enforceable on officers within the 9th Circuit. The judges were of the view that officers are responsible to clearly understand established law (Wallentine, 2010). Another two cases that relate to the usage of TASER namely â€Å"Brooks v. Seattle† and â€Å"Mattos v. Aragano† are in the process to be allocated to judges of 9th Circuit Panels to define the law. However, the constitutional explanation is the prerogative of Supreme Court.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Beginning with an examination of The Voice Essay Example for Free

Beginning with an examination of The Voice Essay Beginning with an examination of The Voice, consider some of the ways in which Hardy gives poetic expression to his personal grief.  Throughout much of Hardys poetry there are various different connotations of grief presented, whether it is grievance for his late wife Emma or the diverse accounts of war that are shown. The poetic expressions of these poems provoke emotion to the reader and help them to relate to Hardys personal grief in some way. One of the poems where this effect is apparent is The Voice. The extended metaphor of the wind has taken the naturalistic entity of the wind and changed it into Emmas voice haunting him and thus personifying it to be Emma. The wind also creates an idea of Hardys longing for her to return to him, this is portrayed by the way Hardy creates the effect of an echo, call to me, call to me not only does the repetition demonstrate an echo it also helps the reader to grasp the fact that Hardy feels hopeless in his searching for Emma, as whatever he does he will not be able to retrieve her. This poetic expression of the wind is displayed with various free and loose punctuation to create the idea of Emma being now free and changeable, like the wind itself, you had changed from the one who was all to me she is now illusive and cannot be seen, causing Hardys grief to increase as it is shown in the poem that he will not be able to see her again. The way in which the poem is written shows an obvious regret, this was that Hardy took what he had with Emma whilst she was alive for granted and now she is no longer around her loss has reawakened his romance with her and he now sees her as he did when they first met, which he knows, is now too late. He sees he in the air-blue gown that he did when he first met her, however, this also has another meaning, of how Emma is now all around and immortal, however, even though she is all around the grief of the situation is that Hardy can never see her. Knowing this, Hardy goes on to say that he will continue faltering forward as he knows that Emma is being ever dissolved, like the wind, her spirit is fading away. Comparing Emma with the wind shows how Hardy feels and how he senses that she is fading away from him, enhancing his grief and heartache. Throughout The Voice the poetic expression of nature haunting Hardy as though Emma has turned into the wind and has turned into the woman calling, creating the sense of insistence, that perhaps Emma wants Hardy to continue his search for her memory. The metaphor the wind presents shows that it has a hold over Hardy and also the power to move him, this emphasises his personal grief as he shows is helplessness due to the fact that no matter how hard he tried to recapture Emmas memory, he will never get her back. Similarly to The Voice, Beeny Cliff also mourns Emmas loss and shows Hardys personal grief over this fact. However in this poem it seems apparent that Hardy reluctantly accepts that Emma has gone and however hard he tries to reconnect to her, this wish will never come true. The poem itself begins with a regretful yearning tone that continues throughout, O the opal and sapphire of that wandering western sea the opening to the poem of O creates a yearning emotion that sets a theme for the rest of the poem, it is made very obvious that Hardy misses Emmas presence and the description of the precious stones, opal and sapphire reflect upon Hardys precious memories of his wife, however memories are all he has, which shows the grief given through his poetic expression as all he has left of Emma are his memories. He then continues to show his regret, the woman whom I loved so, and who loyally loved me this perhaps shows Hardys regret towards not showing Emma his true feelings towards her whilst she was alive, and also how he felt that she loyally loved him, yet he did not show the same loyalty.  Throughout the first three stanzas of the poem, it seems as thought Hardy is trying to elicit the emotion of memory so that he can bring back the happiness he felt when he was with Emma at Beeny Cliff. He uses various poetic expressions, for example, describing the scene to encapsulate the beauty of that day as to them both at the time it was idyllic, the waves seemed far away this however doesnt just help the reader understand the way the scene appeared, but also the atmosphere itself. It seemed as though their love for each other transported them so they were unaware of the world around them. The grief that Hardy now feels causes the day he is describing to become even more tragic as it seems he will never be that happy again. After Hardy has tried to recapture Emmas memory and realises that it will not work as no matter how much he tries to remember that day and how much he retells his feelings and regrets about Emma the memories of her will never bring her back to him. It is after this realisation that Hardy moves on to speak about how Emma has in fact gone from his life, and he knows this and describes a divide between them now, using the metaphor of the cliff itself, bulks old Beeny to the sky shows how there is barrier between the two. The description of the cliffs chasmal, which are the splits in the rocks are perhaps metaphorical to Hardy and Emmas relationship as it is now, and the barrier between life and death that forever puzzles Hardy. From this point on there is obvious wistful regret that Hardy will never be back at that place of beauty with Emma, however he then realises that all Beeny is, is a cliff and that no matter how much Hardy tries to reawaken that day there with Emma it will not bring her back. Hardys grief and heartache is apparent as he is tired of wondering where Emma is then therefore no longer questions this, and merely accepts that the woman is- elsewhere- the poetic expression of this phrase shows Hardys pause whilst he is thinking about where Emma actually is, and it also creates the idea that he doesnt know where she is but he does know he can never find her, illuminating his grief as he has now accepted the fact that he will never find Emma anywhere, even where he feels her memory is at its strongest. The ending of this poem also reflects how Hardy feels, as Emma nor knows, nor cares for Beeny, and will laugh there nevermore. Hardys grief is again emphasised as he will never recapture Emma as she is now completely indifferent to the word and her life with Hardy, and this allows him to finally accept that Emma is gone and finished, it is almost as though this revelation has given Hardy a sense of finality to his situation. In conclusion, Hardy uses many different ways to give poetic expression to his personal grief, ranging from personifying nature to represent Emma to finally allowing himself to believe that she is gone, and knowing that all he now has are his memories, and that no matter how hard he tries, they will never bring Emma back, which Hardy has finally accepted, no matter how much grief and anguish it may have caused him.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Chartists and Chartism Essay -- European Europe History

Chartists and Chartism   Chartism was the name of a variety of protest movements in England during the 1830s and 40s, which aimed to bring about change   in social and economic conditions through political reform. Its name comes from the People’s Charter, a six-point petition presented to the House of Commons with the hope of having it made law. The six point included annual parliaments, universal manhood suffrage, abolition of the property qualification for members of the House of Commons, the secret ballot, equal electoral districts, and salaries for members of Parliament.   This was the first independent working-class movement in the world, that is, not simply sporadic uprisings or agitation, and arose after the Reform Bill of 1832 had failed. Working men had agitated for this bill and its failure left them still without the sought-for right to manhood suffrage. The Factory Act of 1832 had reduced working hours for children, but not for adults. The New Poor Law of 1834 caused resentment among workers by building workers’ housing in factory districts, where living conditions were bad.   By 1837 50,000 were out of work in Manchester alone, owing to overproduction, loss of trade, and the shutting-down of many mills.   Throughout the country, from 1839-1851 widespread depression was due to a combination of jobs lost, bad harvests, and high food prices. There were organized groups in London and Birmingham, but a national organization was inspired by Feargus O’Connor, who edited a Chartist paper, The Northern Star, and was   a rabble-rousing speaker.   The Chartists’ method was to circulate their petition throughout the country and gather signatures which were to be presented to the House of Commons at a giant convention in... ...nating the worst working conditions were gradually enacted into law.   Victorian England was to struggle with labor-management problems throughout the century. Gradually the working class would come to recognize its need for centralized organization and would gain support from radical middle-class intellectuals and writers, notably Henry Mayhew, who during the years 1849-51 investigated living and working conditions in London and published a series of violently-debated letters in the Morning Chronicle. It would appear that the efforts of the Chartists, while not immediately successful, served as valuable experience for a future labor   movement, as well as awakening the consciences of individuals and groups outside the working class. Sources: Sally Mitchell, ed.   Victorian Britain â€Å"Chartism,†Ã‚   â€Å"Riots and Demonstrations,† â€Å"Strikes.† New York, Garland, 1988.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Environmental Regulations Essay

Today’s society demands its industries to be more sensitive to the needs of the environment. With the increasing preference for raw materials and resources, the questions of sustainability and efficiency come into the picture as many producers seek to maximize the way these resources are used. Like any other resource, galvanized steel has undergone numerous changes that had made it both environmentally green and adaptive to the needs of society. In the end, by both catering to needs of nature and harnessing new ways to improve, industries can maximize cost effective exhaustion of raw materials and create a consensus for adaptability. Understanding the Development and Need Since the industrial revolution, steel has been considered an important commodity among states and many industries. It is the primary component in creating structures and developing new mechanisms that can help man. Seeing this, it has helped man traverse the century creating new advancement in different areas such as automobiles, construction, household appliance, etc. However, with the rapidly increasing exhaustion of man in its natural resources, there is a call for an increase in sustainability and efficiency in using and tapping resources such as steel. As time progressed, it has also given man time to generate and perfect the creation of new steels that are both stronger and effective than their predecessors. An example of this is galvanized steel. Though to generate other resources often create many adverse effects in the environment, it can be argued that galvanized steel is considered ‘green’ because of using natural methods and tapping into one element that is considered environmental friendly; zinc (International Zinc Association, 2008). Helping Reduce the Cost of Consumption and Production With today’s increasing and developing technology, man continuously finds ways to help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of how things are done. This also applies in galvanized steel industry as many look into ways of reducing the possible cost brought about by corrosion and other risk factors associated in the process. One example of this development is the creation of the Life-Cycle Cost Calculator (LCC) to actively determine what anti-corrosion system best suites you in the long run (Galvanizing Cost, 2008). Under this system, it helps calculate the maintenance and total cost that can be incurred given several economic conditions such as inflation and interest rates. Seeing this, the LCC is just one of the ways that the galvanized steel industry has been committed in creating effective and efficient ways of building. By using active data and interpreting it accordingly to the needs of a specific industry, they can maximize the capability of the steel while at the same time reducing the risk of corrosion and further exhaustion. This in turn can generate better allocation of galvanized steel in areas that need it most. Understanding what Zinc is Since the primary component of galvanized steel is Zinc, it is essential for individuals to decipher the importance of such element to fully understand why it is considered to be ‘green’ in both application and in its creation. One important thing to understand about this element is that Zinc is an earth element that can be recycled over and over without worrying about losing its physical or chemical properties (International Zinc Association, 2008). At the same time, this element remains to be abundant as it is considered to be the 27th most common element on the earth. Another important idea to point out is that in determining the level of reserves looks into the amount of information scientists have gathered in a specific place and using a particular technology. â€Å"The term ‘reserves’ denotes only what has been mapped and measured today and what can be exploited using current technology† (International Zinc Association, 2008, p. 1). With these, such resource is highly sustainable in the environment because of its ability to both its protection and enabling social progress. Zinc’s Impact The presence of Zinc remains to be an important component for both man and the environment. Many scientists have argued that this element remains to be an essential component for life in many species and organisms. That is why this element should be taken adequately to fully sustain our needs. â€Å"When uptake is too low, deficiency occurs and adverse effects can be observed† (International Zinc Association, 2008, p. 1). On the other hand, too much exposure on this can lead to toxicity and poisoning. With the right amount, zinc can help improve health and wellness of man and the environment. In particular, Zinc has properties that is significant in man’s health and can cater improvements in growth, fertility, immune system and vision (International Zinc Association, 2008). Likewise, if one shall study a person’s anatomy, Zinc is present in different areas of the body particularly in organs, tissues, and bones. To gain the proper amount of Zinc, man can get it in various food forms such as meat, poultry, fish and seafood (International Zinc Association, 20098). That is why having a balanced diet can generate the sufficient amount of zinc that can lead to wellness and improvement. If not given proper attention, the lack of Zinc in the person’s body can generate several risk factors. â€Å"Zinc deficiency is responsible for approximately 16% of lower respiratory tract infections, 18% of malaria and 10% of diarrhoeal disease† (International Zinc Association, 2008, p. 1). Likewise, this is also applicable in agriculture particularly in soil and crops. Without the proper nourishment of zinc, it reduces the number of production during harvest and at the same time lowers its overall quality. Fostering Responsible Extraction and Mining Like any other element, Zinc must be extracted in the earth and refined to create new products in the process. This has been evident in the 18th century as man sought to improve and develop new mechanisms that can help them move forward. However, during the middle of the 20th century, there has been a consensus to help reduce the risk factors associated with exposure to Zinc emotions in the environment (International Zinc Association, 2008). This has led to numerous changes in how refinement is administered as it became environmental friendly and adaptable to the needs of the current trends. One important indicator that is used by scientists to actively determine the level of Zinc emissions was measured in the Greenland snow. â€Å"The minute amounts of zinc deposited at this remote location are an indicator of both natural zinc cycling and anthropogenic zinc emissions to air in Europe and North America, and reflect the trend in zinc emissions to air observed throughout the northern hemisphere† (International Zinc Association, 2008, p. 1). One important result of this study showed that there has been a reduction of zinc emissions in the environment and continues to decrease in the years to come. This change can be attributed to the recent developments in both extraction and technology. With the help of new instruments and mechanisms, better facilitation and exhaustion is now possible with the minimal risk factors associated in the process such as fugitive emissions. â€Å"Fugitive emissions originate from sources such as outdoor stockpiles, handling or transfer operations, vehicle traffic as well as leakages from buildings and roofs, from maintenance operations and breakdown of plants† (International Zinc Association, 2008, p. 1). These new innovative and sustainable ideas has led to better creation of products such as galvanized steel and lowered the effect of corrosion Commitment in the Environment The decline of emissions brought about by Zinc extraction and refinement can be attributed to the commitment of both many states and organizations that are committed in protecting the environment. Under this area, they create new standards and protocols that can help set the guidelines and effective ways to exhaust such resources in the natural environment without compromising quality and risks associated in the process. By having these mandates, better administration can be made and administered. Likewise, such commitment can be attributed to the capability of these institutions to monitor and implement regulations. For example, the passing of the EU Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction Strategy on Zinc has given international organizations such as the EU to reinforce and implement better management of Zinc extraction from exhaustion to refinement (International Zinc Association, 2008). Conclusion To conclude, man’s commitment in environmental protection and sustainability has allowed us to find ways and means to develop better methods in enhancing exhaustion of natural resources such as galvanized steel. At the same time, we had the commitment to create institutions, mandates, protocols, and guidelines to actively reinforce the idea of protecting the environment. In the end, galvanized steel and its primary component Zinc has constantly sought to be ‘green’ because of the industry’s ability to abide and advocate standards towards efficiency and protection against risk factors. As these industries face the challenges of the 21st century, we can see a further commitment towards finding new tools and technologies that can create a better ‘green’ idea. Reference Galvanizing Cost (2008) Life-Cycle Cost Calculator. Retrieved March 8, 2009 from, http://www. galvanizingcost. com/ International Zinc Association (2008) Environmental Regulations. Retrieved March 8, 2009 from, http://www. zincworld. org/environmental%20_regulations. html International Zinc Association (2008) Zinc a sustainable resource. Retrieved March 8, 2009 from, http://www. zincworld. org/sustainable_resource. html International Zinc Association (2008) Zinc Emissions. Retrieved March 8, 2009 from, http://www. zincworld. org/emissions. html International Zinc Association (2008) Zinc: Essential for Human Health. Retrieved March 8, 2009 from, http://www. zincworld. org/zinc_health. html International Zinc Association (2008) Zinc: Essential for Man and the Environment. Retrieved March 8, 2009 from, http://www. zincworld. org/zinc_essential. html

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Teleport Yourself To Ancient China Master The Eight-Legged Essay

If there is anyone who’s been stereotyped more than North Korea’s under-20 ruler, it is the ancient people. Every generation likes to think the preceding ones were dumb and up to no good. But history narrates awe-inspiring stories of advanced civilizations and their contribution to art, music, science and many other areas. In this piece, we talk about an advanced and tricky way to gauge the intellect and intelligence of examinees in ancient China. The  eight-legged essay  was an essay writing technique, which was needed to be mastered by those aspiring to pass imperial examinations during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Do You Have What It Takes To Construct The Essay? The eight-legged essay is eight-legged, literally and metaphorically. The essay was constructed around a specific structure. Apart from other abilities, it required mastering of certain â€Å"Four Books and Five Classics†. Are you already wondering whether you would have been terrible at it were God to destine you to be born among ancient Chinese? Well, tell you what? You probably should! Boy, is the essay tricky! That’s because the essay also tested the examinee’s capability of using classical allusions and idioms at the most suitable places. What Eight Legs Do You Talk About? The essay had eight legs, as we already mentioned. What were they? Let’s have a look! Opening The opening comprises of two sentences of prose, providing a brief intro to the topic of the essay. Amplification This part provides details about the theme. It comprises of five sentences of prose. Preliminary Exposition This part is supposed to have prosaic writing Initial Argument Very, very tricky part! You are required to construct a particular number of parallel sentence pairs. These are supposed to address and express similar meanings, and here’s the tricky part, with similar structure but different words. Central Argument This part explains the central theme of the essay using sentences written in parallel. Latter Argument This part acts as an extension to the previous part. Whatever points were life in the previous section can be discussed here. It requires to be written in a serious tone, with the content rooted in pragmatism. Final Argument This part is used to go over the main theme of the essay again. Conclusion This is the part where you can let your creativity flow. Wrap up the essay with powerful concluding remarks. More Rules These aren’t the only rules you have to follow to produce the essay the way it should be. It requires to be wrapped up in a strictly defined word limit. Also, No Slang Kids The examinees were not permitted to use a specific set of offensive words in the essay; words which could disclose the examinee’s identity or status were also to be avoided. Since mastering the art of eight-legged essay writing was a requirement for passing top-tier examinations, the essays started being printed in large numbers to assist examinees ace the exams. It has been reported that the government was pondering over the idea of reprinting the best papers of the previous century.